30 Day Book Challenge, Interlude

30 Day Book Challenge: Day Ten

Book challenge

Day Ten – A book that reminds me of home…

The other day I went home to visit my parents and I decided to venture into the attic (because that’s a normal thing to do right?) and I came across bags of my old children’s books. So this entry is slightly cheating because I’m not going to choose one book, but a series…

Point Horror by multiple authors, but a shout out to R.L Stine, Diane Hoh, Caroline B. Cooney, and Richie Tankersley Cusick (to name just a few).

Although Goosebumps was a favourite series of mine when I was much younger, discovering Point Horror helped solidify my love for horror fiction. I devoured every book I could get my hands on and I have many memories of reading and re-reading (sometime for the 150th time) these books in my childhood bedroom, sometimes leaning over the side of the bed to catch the light from the hall despite my parents telling me to go to sleep hours beforehand (I didn’t have a torch otherwise I would have been that cliché image of the kid under the covers).

How I discovered Point Horror was actually due to a bribe; my family and I were about to visit my grandparents and for some reason I was having a tantrum about it. My mum promised we could stop off at the library so I could choose some books to take with me to read (this trick still works on me to this day).

I was already developing (or perhaps discovering) my love of horror so while browsing the shelves I spotted these books with their blood splattered covers and ominous titles such as “The Babysitter”, “The Lifeguard”, or “The Hitchhiker”. Being a young kid, these teenage or YA horror books actually felt “adult” to me and I have fond memories reading them.

I’m actually considering revisiting some of these; perhaps I could do a Point Horror series for this blog.


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